Friday, April 4, 2008

Pet Peeves

What I hate more than anything is people telling me how to do my job. It may be surprising I understand, but I have been properly trained for the position I hold. But it really erks my chain when people feel the need to not listen to me or disobey my orders. I.e the stupid lady who came over last night at work and asked me to clean up her stupid bloody leg. Asking for Kleenex to wipe it up (which would have obviously gotten stuck in her open wound) and then rejecting my offer of an alcohol prep pad to clean the wound because "it would sting". Fine. So I gave her a gauze pad and shoved it up her stupid fat arse.

Also, I have a spanish paper due at 2pm today. Which I havent started. Hello online translator.

Post Script: I do apologize for my overuseage of Italics.


b said...

Just let them drown.

Kelsey said...

just found your blog. well off of facebook of course, can you blame me?
I'm officially stalking it.