Friday, March 27, 2009

San Fransiggsco

San Fran trip with Syd and Baer. A definite thumbs up. I nearly suffocated from the 10 minute long laughing fits instigated by Joel. Sam Cooke, frosted flakes, mysterious spots, 2 tickets in 48 hours, wiley, phil in haveusupie, and false identities are only the begining.

standing mysteriously in the mystery spot. "clap for her...."

eric clapton's stairway to heaven

siggin' with the bison in the park. hairflip.

my was it a treat.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ogres are like Onyons

This goes out to you Hil Bil a babe if I ever saw one. Thanks for you tactful bangs and mom clogs. I concurr with the premeditated bikings. I don't agree that hairless katz are the funniest thing out there. This little chap gold digging in a line at disneyland really takes the cake for me. A true woman of your word ye are H.O. And I don't mean that in a derogatory form. At least I don't think I do...In any case, I tip my hat and raise my glass (of diet coke that is) to Hilary O.