Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hapy Birthdy

To my dear friend Katie Gerber. She asked me specifically to "spotlight" her on her birthday. Well, I am a bad friend and didn't get onto my computer until today. So, sorry this is late. But on the plus side, it's not late because as everyone knows, although your birthday might be over and done, it's still yours for another 10 days! Congrats! So I've decided to analyze your name K. (or whatever this is called).
K- is for kind. As in the kind of person you wanna hang around with all day. As in, she cooks me yummy food when i'm at her place and takes me out to yummy places to eat i.e. del taco. She is great at letting people borrow her stuff and she never gets mad when people take stuff without asking.
A- is for American Indian. Hailing from Arizona, Katie comes complete with her own wolf and feathers!
T- is for tan. It must be the Indian blood coursing through her veins. (She's part skinwalker you know.) I only came home to California to try and become blacker than her.
I- is for IIUU. Or as puts it, IIUU "Stands for "illegal, immoral, unhealthy, unsafe." Applies to a lot of things. Used by several youth groups as a mantra or a sign of solidarity or pledging. You'll often see graffiti of it in rough urban areas. Pronounced double I double U." Cool huh? I love it. Definitely K.
E- is for effing rad. I would have put the real word on but her name's not Kaftie. Thanks K for being so rad and wearing your grammas shoes so we had something to talk about our first dutch sesh together. You have hot hair, hot kicks and hot threads. Miss your face.


Don't get pisd, its your happy day!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gone m.i.a?

Besides the lack of new posts (please forgive me one and all), there are a few other things that I've been lacking. Such as things to do, places to go, a closet, and a bed. Sharing a hot stuffy room with two of my younger sisters is already taking its toll. The ever decreasing 83$ left in my bank account is also a persistent reminder of my desperate need of a place with decent pay that's willing to hire some poor college kid in need of a job for less than 2 months.
Drinking ten tons of rootbeer a day, tanlines to make a zebra jealous, and only the best rapper alive can be found blaring from my speakers;
It must be summer. Photobucket
Bring on the trashy food, trashy music, and even trashier clothes, it's California Love!