Tuesday, January 27, 2009


My friend Scott had a show at velour the other night. It was a great night of love sak snuggling, taking some fun shots, running into one of my favorite cousins, and enjoying some fine tunes.

nicholas allen

tim george

scott bowden


Sunday, January 4, 2009

So everybody put your best suit or dress on

It's 2009. Resolution time. I don't have one. Well maybe I do, it just hasn't been formed into words. Maybe be a better blogger? Maybe be "nicer"? Maybe go to school for a change this semester? Maybe be kinder to my landlord? Maybe be kinder to my body? Maybe clean out from under my fingernails and behind my ears more often? Maybe wash my clothes more? Maybe drink all the milk in the fridge before its expiration date? Maybe write to my missionaries more? Maybe lower my daily caffeine intake? Maybe be more green? Maybe learn to walk on top of the snow like Legolas? Maybe sleep in my own bed for the first time in over 2 months? Maybe try to just pick one resolution? Whatever.

I feel like there are a million thoughts exploding in my brain like exploding things these days.

So this is the new year.
And i don't feel any different.
The clanking of crystal
Explosions off in the distance (in the distance).

So this is the new year
And I have no resolutions
For self assigned penance
For problems with easy solutions

ps I have an "xoxo" heart tattoo on the corner of my eye right now. it's is also in the exact spot where I ran my face into the towel rack in my bathroom. viva la viva.